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About my company
My Father started the business in 1952 (T L Williams) and sadly passed away in 1978. Since then I have continued with the family business (K Williams) as the sole proprietor.
I was very fortunate, at that time there were two other established chimney sweeps in the area who were friends of my Father and they were prepared to take me under their wing and train me further in the business. In particular, I will be forever indebted to John Hales for his help at that time.
In 1985 I decided to start a carpet-cleaning business to supplement my income during the low-season Spring and Summer months. The popularity of solid fuels was in steady decline due to the emergence of gas coal effect fires, double-glazing and milder winters, so this second business proved to be invaluable. Both businesses compliment each other perfectly.
It is now very interesting to note that over the last few years solid fuel (open fires) and solid fuel related appliances have regained some of their popularity.
Even though I have now been involved in this business for over 30 years and have gained much experience, I can honestly say I still enjoy my job to the full and customer satisfaction is my number one priority.
As I am now in 46 years of business, I have built up a huge customer base; I would just like to thank all my customers both past and present for their continued loyality in supporting my business.